10 Common Sports Injuries: Prevention and Treatment

Anyone who has even been involved in sports has likely suffered an injury of one kind or another. Sports tend to be physically demanding, requiring our bodies to endure many forms of stress and trauma. In the world of athletic endeavor there are many common sports injuries. No matter how good of shape you keep … Continued

When Does Skin Bruising Justify A Trip To Urgent Care

Everyone has had a bruise at least once in your life. It’s a common tissue injury, where small blood vessels, known as capillaries, are damaged after an injury. For the elderly, bruises are more commonly occurring as the skin and blood vessels become more delicate with age. For those passionate about fitness, they may experience … Continued

5 Basic Health and Fitness Tips Everyone Should Know

Are you struggling with losing weight and getting healthy? Do you need to focus on just the basics of weight loss rather than all of the complicated diets out there? If so, this article is for you. This guide will break down the 5 best fitness tips that are so simple you’ll be kicking yourself … Continued

5 Common Reasons To Visit Urgent Care In Amory

If you’re injured or in a situation where you need medical services but can’t get in with your primary physician and don’t think the emergency room is necessary, there are other options. Have you ever considered using an urgent care facility instead? In this article, we’re discussing five common reasons to visit an urgent care … Continued