Understanding the link between Dehydration and Blood Pressure

Staying hydrated is important for good health. But did you know it’s also important for your blood pressure? In this blog, we’ll discuss the relationship between dehydration and blood pressure. We’ll explore how dehydration can influence high and low blood pressure.  Continue reading to learn more and get answers to the common question, “How does … Continued

How Do I Know If My Ribs Are Broken? Here’s What to Know

Experiencing pain in the rib area can be a cause for concern, especially if you suspect that your ribs may be broken after an unexpected accident or injury. While rib fractures can vary in severity, it’s essential to understand the symptoms, appropriate treatment, and when it’s necessary to seek medical attention.  In this blog post, … Continued

How Do I Know If I Have Food Poisoning?

Each year, thousands of people suffer from food poisoning.  This common condition occurs when you eat contaminated food or drink contaminated water.  It can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites in the food or water you consume. If you suspect that you have food poisoning, there are several signs and symptoms that you can … Continued

Tonsil Stone Causes and Treatment

Sore throats affect millions of people each year.  From mild inflammation due to allergies to a bacterial infection or tonsil stones, sore throats can cause symptoms like pain and difficulty swallowing. When many people think of sore throats, they often attribute it to a simple viral infection or, sometimes, strep throat, but another culprit could … Continued

What Is Walking Pneumonia?

As we find ourselves on the heels of cold and flu season, it can be hard to determine the root cause of our respiratory illness, especially if our symptoms aren’t severe enough to provoke an immediate emergency room visit. Not COVID-19, the flu, or strep throat? It could be walking pneumonia, especially if it’s affecting … Continued

What Are the Symptoms of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)?

It’s officially that time of year: cold and flu season. With more time spent in closer contact and quarters with others, germs seem to spread more quickly than ever, leaving us to wonder whether our symptoms are just a cold, allergies, or something more serious like the flu or respiratory syncytial virus. Affecting a majority … Continued

Does Cold Weather Cause Colds?

You may have noticed that almost everyone you know seems to be coming down with something. From colds and flu to RSV, cold and flu season is fully upon us.  As its name suggests, the common cold is the most common upper respiratory illness in the United States annually. It infects millions due to its … Continued

5 Common Causes of Rapid Heartbeat

An elevated heart rate is usually nothing to worry about if you’re working out, have a job that requires you to be active, or experiencing heightened emotions such as nervousness or excitement. This normal sensation happens to millions of people annually and can be caused by various factors.  Not often linked to a serious underlying … Continued

How Long Does a Cold Last? Here’s What You Should Know

In the United States, on average, adults experience 2-3 colds per year. While that seems like a lot in itself, children are at higher risk and often experience even more. Most common in the fall and winter months, the common cold can affect anyone at any point throughout the year and last quite some time.  … Continued