7 Foods to Effectively Lower Your Blood Sugar

Managing your blood sugar can be challenging, especially if you’re living with diabetes. You’re not alone. In fact, about 1.4 million Americans are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes each year, meaning that blood sugar regulation is top of mind for many people daily. As you may know, certain foods can cause extreme blood sugar hikes, … Continued

5 Ways to Manage High Blood Pressure

Blood pressure — we’ve all had it taken at one point or another. From when we are children until well into adulthood, measuring blood pressure is a standard portion of a yearly wellness visit and part of all doctors’ exams, no matter the type you’re seeing. Even dentists take blood pressure before administering an anesthetic … Continued

Understanding Hay Fever: Know When to Visit Urgent Care

Nearly 25 million Americans are affected by hay fever each year. A common condition most often seen during the spring and early summer months, it can range from mild to severe. It often causes those affected to experience symptoms similar to the common cold. Although there are differences between the two, many mistake one for … Continued

How to Know When to Worry About a Headache

Nearly 45 million people experience and complain of headaches each year in the United States. In fact, of all ailments, headaches are the most experienced and reported. Out of the 36 different types of headaches, most are no cause for serious concern, but some may be the first indicator of a more serious underlying health … Continued

How to Treat a Second-Degree Burn

According to the American Burn Association (ABA), nearly 450,000 people a year experience burns that require medical treatment. Although the level, or degree, of a burn can range from person to person based on how the burn occurred, there are various symptoms to be mindful of after getting burned. The most common cause of burns … Continued

What are the Symptoms of a Flu?

The flu affects thousands of people around the world. Approximately 3 to 11% of people will contract the flu in the United States each year.   The flu, or influenza, is a highly contagious virus that spreads from person to person by droplets in the air caused by an infected person coughing and sneezing. It can … Continued

When Do I Go to Urgent Care for a Fever?

A fever is a common side effect of certain illnesses, like the flu, and is a sign your body is trying to heal itself. Average body temperature ranges between 97 and 99 degrees Fahrenheit for adults and between 97.9 and 99 degrees Fahrenheit for babies and children. Adults over age 65 have a more difficult … Continued